Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thunder from Up Under...Pt. 2

Roman Catholic church painted with Hopi Symbols and Gods. 

Thoman Banyacya of the Hopi Coyote Clan said: "The people invented many machines and conveniences of high technology, some of which have not yet been seen in this age." We, of course, recognize this startling description as echoing Atlantis. 

The Hopi and Navajo Indians were once informed that one day new people would come across the land from across the big waters, bringing themselves back to the place they had initially been brought up onto this world (4th World). And that these people would wear shiny clothes, or would be like the shells of turtles.

 Stone Slab found at Chevelon Ruin Winslow, AZ
So when the Europeans began their trek across North America, little did they know that the tribes they encountered along the way were already waiting for their arrival. Decades before had the indigenous cultures been waiting for "Shining Shelled" people to come across their lands and fulfill prophecies. The Mayans believed the exact same thing, but they were waiting for their "White Bearded Gods" to return. So when the Spaniards landed and eventually began to enslave the local tribes this fulfilled many prophecies of the one of two paths.

Near the town of Winslow, AZ an archaeologists by the name of Jesse Walter Fewkes discovered an ancient slab that was soon connected to the Hopi tradition. This slab depicted a drawing of three pyramids with four birds sitting atop the the structures. According to Hopi tradition the three pyramids connected with the Orions Belt star system. According to the Hopi the center of the universe rests in between the three mesas( 1st Mesa, 2nd Mesa, 3rd mesa). Now, according to numerous tribes in the surrounding areas, including the Navajo and Zuni, they view the mountain near Flagstaff, AZ, known as the San Francisco Peaks ("Dook'o'oosliid" to the Navajo), as a sacred landmark. All tribes believe that Numerous gods and demi-gods live in and/or around the mountain.
San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff

Viewing the mountain from a distance one can easily see that there are three major peaks that are visibly. Now back to the stone slab found earlier, which shows three triangles with birds sitting atop. Now remember that Native Americans of old were limited to the knowledge/Terminology of their time, for example: "Iron Horse" was a train, "Iron Eagle" were Planes, "roads in the sky" meant smokes trails left my planes, "Steel turtle shells" meant steel armor worn by the Spaniards, and etc.,so when they saw what appeared above the Peaks, looked like birds because they flew and were bowl shaped. They knew that the Gods who came to visit their land went to that mountain, hovered above and disappeared into the mountain. 

Fajada Butte - Chaco Canyon

Chaco Canyon is a very sacred place with many stories connected to the site, like the time travelers who left their drawings and their belongings in a hidden cave within the mesa walls, but that's not what I am focusing on here. 

Near Chaco Canyon ruins is a butte known as Fajada Butte, which is unusual just on its appearance.

One can see from an initial viewing that there is a chunk missing from the top corner of the butte. Clifford Mahooty, a Zuni elder, along with the dear departed Hopi elder Dan Evehema all told of stories handed down from their fathers and grandfathers and so on, of the Star beings coming and visiting the people. When they would arrive they would land on top of mesas and several buttes, and from a story told by Clifford Mahooty, he told of a time when a extraterrestrial tried to land but instead lost control and slammed into a mesa side taking a chunk of it off. 

Sundagger Structure on Fajada Butte
Fajada Butte is also intriguing for another reason. Near the top of the butte rests a stones structure constructed by three thin slabs resting against one another leaning onto the wall of the butte. Beneath the slabs is a peculiar etching of a spiral and another object beside it. But the way the there slabs are positioned are precise to the fact that when light pass through the slight slits between the slabs they create a dagger of light which points a specific locations on the spiral etching, indicating the solar activity depending on the time of year. A precise solar calendar constructed on an obscure butte near the biggest adobe city ever found. 

All Native American traditions are based on some sort of geometric order and sequences. Take for example, the Navajo ceremony that involved sand painting. Mathematics and numbers is the language of the universe. There are some many examples of advanced mathematical knowledge amongst numerous Indigenous tribes, since there homes and temples are based on extravagant geometric shapes and outlines.

Navajo sand painting is used as a doorway for the Gods to come and go. The designs of each differ from one another, only but slightly, but colors must coordinate with the shapes and outlines. Everything involved with a sand painting ceremonial is precise and delicate.

Navajo rug weaving is also another example of geometrical precision. The delicate process which goes into constructing a beautiful rug, which can also include weaving extremely intricate designs into the rug.

"The Red man has had a covenant with the beings from space since its beginnings. The Red man is the Atlantean. Edgar Cayce once said, "Take an Aztec, take a Mayan, take a Hopi, take a Cherokee, take a Cheyenne, and you re looking at an Atlantean." This is the closest you'll ever come to seeing an Atlantean. The Atlanteans were the Red people". - Paul Werner Duarte. excerpt from "Star Ancestors by Nancy Red Star. 

Red Star, Nancy. "Star Ancestors: Extraterrestrial Contact in the Native American Tradition". Chapter 8: It Will Happen In Hopiland by Paul Werner Duarte.

further information on Jesse Welter Fewkes discovering stone slab at Chevelon ruin:

further reading on Fajada Butte and Sundagger structure:

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